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Tastes Like Winter Page 5

  He sits down opposite me, flashing me a toothy smile. "You're Oryn's girl, aren’t you?«

  Since I'm not in the mood to explain my strange relationship with Oryn, I simply nod. "Something like that."

  "And he lets you come here alone? That's pretty careless of him." Alexander props his elbows onto the table. "I'm Lex, in case you forgot."

  "I didn't forget. I'm Celeste."

  We're both quiet for a moment until Janine arrives with our drinks. I don't know what to say to him, and he seems happy just watching me. That's what he also did yesterday all evening long.

  Janine lingers a bit until she walks back to the bar with a shrug.

  "I know who you are, Celeste."

  The way he says it makes my scalp tingle. The predatory gleam in his eyes doesn't help either.

  "You see, Oryn has never brought pussy here. I actually thought he wasn't into women. Seems like I was wrong."

  "And you're telling me this because . . . ?"

  "I've been looking for a way to get back at Oryn literally for ages. This fucking guy doesn't have any weaknesses. Or so I thought, but here you are."

  "You got this wrong. Really." I don't dare take a sip of the White Russian. It feels wrong now that Alexander has paid for the drink. I don't want to "owe" him anything.

  "I don't think I do, Celeste Michaels. Oryn will learn to stay out of my territory and not to snatch all the high-profile kills."

  "So, you want me to deliver your message to him?" My heart is leaping into my throat since I have a bad feeling about this. A pretty, pretty bad feeling.

  "No, I will tell him this myself when he comes to get you. We will both get up now and walk outside. Try anything funny, and I'll kill Janine first."

  I'm not sure if he's serious, so my thoughts drift to Oryn and if he would be serious about this. He definitely would.

  With that realization, I feel like I don't have any other choice but to submit to Alexander's demands. I can't have Janine's murder on my conscience.

  Hesitantly, I get up and walk to the door. Alexander is right behind me; I can feel his presence and how inappropriately close he is to me. I don't like it. I really don't.

  He directs me to the parking lot, and I rub my arms, casting side glances left and right. There's a big dumpster I could hide behind if he were to shoot at me.

  "So, now what? Are you going to kill me?"

  "No, that would be stupid. I'm going to take you to some place where I can set up a nice trap for Oryn."

  "You overestimate my value to him. There's no guarantee he'll show up."

  Alexander chuckles. "He will show up. I saw the way he looked at you yesterday whenever he thought no one would notice. That man is addicted to you."

  He pulls a gun from behind his back and waves it toward a fiery red Ford Mustang. "Let's get you in the trunk."

  Still rubbing my arms, shoulders slouched, I start walking, my back hunched over. I want to seem as harmless as possible, signaling that I'm not a threat at all.

  The closer I get to his car, the faster my heart races. I'm sweating, and blood is rushing in my ears since I'm about to do something stupid, because—and it's with sheer horror that I realize this—I really do not want to die.


  "Why are you stopping?" Alexander sounds impatient behind me, and I know he has his gun pointed at my back.

  Even though I've never done this with anyone else other than Oryn, I figure that doing what he trained me to do in such situations is my only option.

  "Walk, Celeste."

  I hear Alexander take another step toward me, and without missing a beat, I turn around and shove his arm with the gun to the side. I'm careful to use the sloth technique that Oryn showed me, so I don't accidentally break my thumb in case Alexander moves his arm unexpectedly.

  The crunch of his index finger breaking as I twist the gun from his grip makes me feel sick, but I can't react to this. Instead, I hurry a couple of steps back, pointing his own gun at him, studying his face. He can't believe what has just happened, and to be honest, neither can I.

  "Don't make me shoot you." My voice trembles, but I don't give a shit anymore.

  He looks at his broken finger and then at me. "You fucking bitch."

  My heart is thumping against my rib cage, ready to break free any minute now, when two shots ring in my ear.

  Weirdly enough, Alexander's knees seem to explode from the inside as the blood sprays into my direction.

  Only when he goes down, can I see Oryn standing there, his own gun pointed at Alexander.

  "Are you alright, Celeste?"

  "Yes, I am." I notice how badly I'm shaking. I can barely keep the weapon trained on Alexander, who's lying on the ground, groaning in pain, blood seeping from his knees.

  "What are you doing here?" It surprises me how much calmer I sound than I feel.

  "Janine called me as soon as she was behind the counter to mix your drinks."

  "Oh, okay. What are we going to do now?"

  "We'll kill him, get rid of his body, and then we're going home. How does that sound, little ghost?"

  I can't bring myself to look at him, not after I've realized that I don't want to die. What if I go with him and he decides to kill me for the trouble I have caused him with his friend?

  "I have no objections about the first part, but I don't know about the second."

  "Look at me." Oryn sounds pissed and stern at the same time.

  Slowly I lift my gaze, trying to appear more defiant than I am.

  Oryn points at me. "You will get your ass in my car. Now."


  "Now, Celeste. And when I come, you better be there."

  There's murder and mayhem in his silver eyes, and I know that I've lost this particular battle, so I start walking.

  I'm barely around the corner when the next shot rings out. I can't say that I'm sad about Alexander's death, but this still feels weird.

  After getting into Oryn's car, I buckle myself in and wait until he opens the door. I don't want to say anything, yet I have questions as he immediately starts the ignition. "What about the body?"

  "I called someone to take care of that."


  Oryn drums his fingers on the steering wheel. "And you're going to pay for this. My friend's service will up your debt by around thirty grand."

  "That seems a lot for something we could do ourselves."

  "Do you think it's smart to talk back to me in your situation? If you hadn't run from me, you wouldn't be in this mess."

  Clamping my mouth shut, I cross my arms in front of my chest. It's hardly my fault that I ran. I just needed some space to think.

  "And I happen to have raised my prices. You want me to kill you? That's now one million dollars." Oryn clicks his tongue.

  "Wow. Is that already counting in inflation? I mean, it will take me a while to work off that much money."

  "A fucking long time," he grunts.

  After that, we're quiet until he pulls into his driveway. With a sigh, I get out and walk to the house. Oryn follows me, and I can feel him simmering in his anger when I'm the one who should be angry. That asshole tricked me into liking my life again, into being happy. Ugh, he really is the worst.

  He locks the entrance door behind us as I'm already running upstairs. I need a few more moments to myself to figure out my emotions.

  "Where do you think you're going?" Oryn's voice booms up the stairs.

  "I need to be alone right now."

  "Fuck that."

  My heart beats faster as he enters my room. That moment, I know I've fucked up. His gaze crawls up and down my body.

  "Undress, little ghost. Now."

  "No. We need new rules." I force myself to hold his angry stare.

  "What did you just say?"

  "You heard me. I feel like the conditions have changed, and we need to talk about this."

  He takes only one step toward me, but I start shaking like crazy. Something that makes him
apparently very happy as he enjoys seeing me like this.

  "Tell me the rules again. Tell me what I told you the first night."

  "You said that I have to do whatever you want, when you want it."

  He nods. "That's right. Yet, here you are, talking back to me, defying me even after getting yourself into trouble. Did Alexander touch what's mine?"

  "I'm not yours." I swallow nervously. "Not anymore. Not after you lied to me about wanting to kill me."

  "Answer my question, Celeste. Did Alexander touch what's mine?"

  "Are you even listening to me?"

  Oryn cocks his head, taking another step toward me. "Last chance to answer my question."

  I don't want to show any fear, and yet I find myself inching backward until my back hits the wall. Shit.

  "Tell me," he demands, his eyes locked with mine.

  "No, he did not! But that's none of your bu—"

  The rest of my words are garbled as Oryn mercilessly shoves two fingers into my mouth and down my throat. I'm choking badly, coughing to get rid of the invading digits. He just puts his other hand around my throat and pins me against the wall.

  "You're mine, little ghost, and I don't care the least bit if you like it or not. Now you might want to say you're sorry for running away and scaring me."

  He knows damn well that I can't talk with his fingers in my mouth. I try anyway, and only a bunch of unintelligible sounds come out.

  With a shake of his head, he shows me his sinister smile. "Too bad you won't say you're sorry. Bad little ghost."

  Giving me a taste of his strength, he pulls his fingers from my mouth and forces me down to the ground. "You should have bitten me when you had the chance."

  Damn. Why didn't I think of that? Probably because my heart flutters every time he calls me his.

  Oryn grabs the shirt I'm wearing and rips it open, yanking the remnants of my body. It's apparently his way of undressing me because he doesn't stop tearing my clothes apart until I'm naked.

  With rough hands, he parts my thighs and exposes my pussy to him. His fingers graze my labia, and his smile turns wicked. "So wet, little ghost?"

  Blood rushes into my cheeks while I wonder if I might die from embarrassment. He opens my slick petals, staring at me until I want nothing more than to shove his hands away and get up. But I'm not strong enough to win a fight against Oryn—much less in the mood he's in.

  Softly he starts rubbing my clit. "What am I supposed to do with you, my little ghost? I should punish you, but I don't know if I can. You make me weak."

  My heart flutters in my chest, full of joy. "You're never weak, and you saved me."

  He shrugs. "You had things under control."

  "We both know that's not what I'm talking about. And I need you. That makes me just as weak as you."

  Oryn leans in and licks over my clit. "I suppose we could keep our weakness a secret."

  "I suppose we could, yeah."

  His hot breath fans over my skin, and I shudder as he chuckles. "So, you want new rules?"

  "Yes. Maybe. I don't know." Now and then, he takes another lick, making it impossible for me to focus.

  "Here's a rule just for you: If I say so, you cum."

  I can't even answer before he dives in and starts sucking my clit. It's pure bliss, and I moan his name, weaving my fingers into his silky hair.

  His hands find my tits as he devours me, and he pinches my nipples, making me arch my back.

  Licking up and down my slit, it doesn't take long for him to make me beg for mercy.

  "Cum, little ghost, cum for me." He sucks harder, at the same time rubbing my clit with his tongue.

  I can't deny his request, my whole body shaking violently as I reach climax and pant like crazy, seeing nothing but stars.

  Holy shit, that was great.

  I want to express my gratitude and offer my mouth to him as Oryn grabs my shoulder and turns me around.

  "Now for the making you sorry part." He pulls his belt from his jeans and ties my hands together behind my back.

  "Oryn?" Panic laces my voice. "Oryn, please don't. I'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't have run."

  With a low chuckle, he pulls my hips up until I'm kneeling in front of him, balancing my upper body on my shoulder as I can't use my hands.

  "You should have said that you're mine right away."

  "I should have. I'm sorry. I'm yours, Oryn."

  His cock nudges against my pussy, and he slides in, pushing slowly, spreading me open inch by inch.

  "Say it again," he grunts when I'm fully impaled on his thick cock.

  "I'm yours."

  Oryn starts fucking me with viciously deep strokes and slaps my ass. "Again."

  "I'm yours." My voice is breaking more each time.

  "That's right. I fucking own you, my little ghost. I saved you, and now you're mine. There's no turning back. Not now, not ever."

  And just like that, I cum again.

  Oryn feels how I clench down on his cock and moans, gripping my hips tighter, fucking me even harder.

  He finds his release, shuddering and holding me, pulling me up against his chest. His fingertips trail along the delicate column of my throat. "Next time you run, I'll find you before I take a cane to your ass and fuck you raw afterwards."

  "I won't run."

  "No, you won't. Because you know you wouldn't get far away enough for me not to find you." He pulls out of me and unlatches the belt from my wrists.

  To my surprise, he lifts me up and carries me from the room and toward his bedroom. Until now, I wasn't allowed in there.

  It looks identical to the one I'm sleeping in, and I really don't get why he was so secretive about this.

  "You're sleeping here from now on. With me."


  He kisses my temple as he puts me down on the bed and slips in behind me.

  I sigh with content and snuggle against him, prompting him to wrap his arms around me. "Is there any way I can get you to renovate this homely room?"

  "Wow. You've been in here for thirty seconds, and already you have demands?"

  "You're a shitty interior decorator."

  "Wait until I install some nice chains on the walls, so you don't run from me again."

  I chuckle and kiss his forearm that he has wrapped around my chest. "How about a hook on the ceiling instead? For one of those love slings? I've always wanted to try one of those."

  "Why not? The alternative use could be for bondage. I could suspend you, leave you literally hanging and do anything I want to your body while you're helpless."

  With a happy smile, I close my eyes. "I love it when you're talking dirty to me."

  "Oh, that isn't dirty talk, my little ghost. Those are just promises."

  "Promise to be honest from now on."

  He huffs. "Fine. I'll be honest."

  "Good. I like you, Oryn, and I would like to stay with you."

  When he doesn't say anything, I wiggle in his arms until I can turn around. He has narrowed his silver eyes at me. "You're never leaving me. This is not even up for discussion."

  "You could at least pretend that I have some rights." I kiss his throat and start nibbling a bit.

  "Oh, you have plenty of rights, little ghost."

  "Is that so?" I lick his skin and get a thrill out of the way he sucks in his breath.

  "Of course. You get to decide if I fuck your ass or your pussy next."

  "Maybe I simply want to cuddle for a bit."

  "I don't need a hook to get the ropes and render you immobile and helpless."

  Putting both hands on his chest, I look up at him. "It's okay, we're going to deal with your feelings later."

  "I love you, my little ghost. I've loved you the very minute your pale face stared into my window." His soft words betray the roughness with which he pushes me down until I'm on eye-level with dick. "Now open your fucking mouth and start sucking."


  Copyright © 2020 Penny Wynter

nbsp; Cover © –

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.